The Daily Vanguard

Creating Individual Space When Sharing A Bedroom

There are a lot of parents who have no option but to put their children in one bedroom so as to save on space. This is a practice all over the world. However, most kids want to have space of their own. When quarters are cramped, fights may ensue. The good thing though is that there are ways in which you can turn shared rooms into productive and peaceful spaces where siblings can have space of their own.

The most important thing to understand here is that everyone needs somewhere they can escape to. Having some personal space will give you a place to clear your thoughts and relax without any interruptions. This is essential when it comes to maintaining a healthy and positive mindset. This is even more important for teens or preteens who have lots of social angst and need time and space in order to work things out.

A good strategy to create individual spaces in shared rooms is with bunk beds. This will conserve horizontal space by capitalizing on vertical space instead. They even provide a private space for occupants to relax while sleeping, reading or engaging in quiet activities like coloring, drawing, etc.

This strategy can be taken a little further with a canopy or curtains in order to create a quiet, sheltered environment for individuals. There are a number of companies which sell canopies for bunk beds. You can make such a covering for the lower bunk too with the help of simple fabric between the dividers. Kids are going to love the flexibility provided by these curtains since they can simply close the curtains when they want to be alone and open then when they want to interact with others.

You can also consider teepees or small sized tents in your kid’s rooms. They can be free standing and unconnected from the beds. They can even be folded or taken down in order to free up space when required. This amount of flexibility will let kids alter their living area as frequently as they want, based on their mood.

The kids can have separate study areas with walled partitions at the edge of their desks. This will give children a sense of privacy and independence while doing their work, using the internet or playing games.

The room can even be divided in half with the help of a bead or cloth curtain. These curtains aren’t just functional but can be aesthetically pleasing as well. You can go for options which blend well with the other decorative elements in the room.

One last option to consider is a privacy screen. These standing partitions can stay upright on their own or can be bolted to the wall. They can be most beneficial for dressing or undressing. And the best part is that they are cheap and flexible to fit with multiple room designs.