The Daily Vanguard

Could Your Business Be Closing More Deals?

One of the most important aspects of running a business is doing everything to close deals.

Yes, making sure sales numbers stay healthy should always be a major focus of how you run your operation.

With that thought in mind, are you doing enough to close deals?

Do Your Employees Have All the Tools They Need?

Part of the reason you may not be securing all the deals with clients you want to stay ahead is due to a lack of resources.

So, go through the following areas and check them off your list:

  1. Manpower – First, do you have the proper amount of manpower to get the job done? If you have too few hands on deck, this can be what is holding you back from making progress. Sure, you may be hesitant to hire more people because it costs money. That said the old adage of it costs money to make money is rather true. Make sure you have all the employees you need and especially in sales to get the job done.
  2. Technology – While some get by without using much in the way of technology, many others are all in on the tech scene. With that in mind, do you have the tech resources needed to close more deals? Some of your employees may be on the road and trying to close deals with current or prospective clients. This can entail laptops, cell phones, tablets and more available to them to help secure deals. That technology also means you look into having the right sales commission software. Such software makes it much easier to track the numbers. As such, you won’t have nervous employees wondering if they are getting the proper commission.
  3. Accessibility – Many rely on a phone and in-person office meetings to close deals. Still others turn to networking opportunities. That said are you making sure your team gets to some of the top networking events in your industry? Doing so is a great way to get out and meet with people who may well have an interest in doing business with you. Sit down before the New Year arrives and go over the trade show schedule for your industry. See which events would present you and your brand with the most opportunity to make sales. Being able to have that one-on-one access with current and potential clients can be a boon for you.
  4. Message – Finally, never forget to review your message that you are sending out to the public. You may well need to reshape it at times. If so, do your best to make it so people want to buy from your business. Look to see what the competition is doing too. This can help you get a better idea if you are missing out on anything as it relates to your company’s message.

At the end of the day, closing as many deals as possible enhances your company’s ability to be around for the long haul.