The Daily Vanguard

Common Winter Plumbing Problems

With temperatures going down during the winter, your plumbing might be prone to a number of common problems brought about by cold weather. Knowing how to identify such problems can help in preventing possible serious home damage.

Below is a list of common plumbing problems from Goodsense Plumbing most homeowners face during the winter season:

Frozen Pipes

These are fairly common problems during winter season – they are caused by extreme high water pressure coming from the main pipe along with below zero temperatures. The most common sign you can notice of frozen pipes is limited water flow, so watch out for water flow changed during the winter season. If you think that you have a frozen pipe, try to leave the tap slightly open so that water can flow. The flowing water will help in preventing the pipes from freezing; however, it will affect your water bill over long periods of time. If leaving your tap will not work and freezing pipes still continue, you may have to cut off the water main switch and call a professional to help you as early as possible.

Water Line Break

Still, water can freeze during the winter and form ice blockage in your pipes. The ice blockage can lead to increasing pressure and in time can result in a leak or break. Using shut-off valves in your house can help in keeping your pipes run smoothly.

Water Heater Malfunction

Over usage and build-up of debris combined with cold weather can result in complications to your water heater. Since cold weather can be harsh, these problems will have to be prioritized. Employing professionals to do preventive maintenance in your plumbing will be helpful in preventing such problems.

Poor Heating

Boilers aren’t used during the summer and when winter comes, they under extreme strain, which makes them prone to breakage. If you feel that your home isn’t heated enough, check the pressure in your boiler and make sure that the power source is working properly. Or if you don’t know how to do it, just contact a professional.

Burst Pipes

Not covering or insulating your pipes during the winter season is a must. There are a number of ways to prevent burst pipes like leaving your tap slightly opened or insulating your pipes; however, the cold weather can still lead to burst pipes. If this happens, call a professional immediately to help you with your predicament.

Non-Wintered Plumbing

Any plumbing in your house that will not be used during the winter must be properly winterized to lessen the chances of cracking or freezing.

Thanks to Victoria BC plumbers Goodsense Plumbing for these tips.