The Daily Vanguard

Cheat Sheet: How To Steal Your Competitor’s Backlinks?

Every site that comes up in the top 10 search results of the search engines has good backlink profiles,  good contents and over enthusiastic SEO that give help to improving their ranking. Backlinks are one the that plays a major role in elevating any web site’s ranking. These backlinkings are provided to please search engines.

Everyone in the market wants to have a backlink profile to please top search engines. Companies spent lots of money and time in building their backlinks and also in knowing, What backlinks their competitors are using that are helping them in ranking high? Stealing and then replicating competitors backlinks are not an easy task to do. But there are a few tools present that can help you in getting a blueprint of your competitors backlinks. Some most common and widely used tools that you can use to check your website’s backlinks as well as your competitors: Open site explorer, SEMRUSH, and Link Diagnosis. Lets talk about each of these popular tools one by one.

Open Site Explorer

First in this list is Open site explorer, if you compare Open site explorer with other tools, you’ll find it very easy to use. Just just have to type the URL of the company’s website whose backlinks profile you want to delve into and click on the “Search” button.

An information box containing all the numbers related stuff you needed will appear in front of you before you blink your eyes. The information box appearing in the upper portion will show the all the data related to the URL you searched for. Then you can examine Established Links, Facebook shares, Facebook likes, tweets, Page Authority, Domain Authority all specific to that URL.

Now you can do anything you want to do and can create your own backlinks.

Link Diagnosis

Link Diagnosis is a kind of tools that can help you in stealing your competitor’s backlinks. If you want to access your competitor’s backlinks or you need a comprehensive report or optimization, it is a tool that allows you to do all these things. With this tool, you can save reports and projects in your accounts and can access the link data more quickly and conveniently without having to run the same report again.


SEMRUSH is one of its kind tool that is very popular among SEO managers. This tool has got everything you need to boost your SEO. It has a wide range of database that is updated daily. You can check any website’s backlink status with this excellent tool.

With this tools, you can also find the details regarding the country from where the website is getting most of the links. You can use SEMRUSH to check the backlinks your competitors are using as well as you can also compare your backlinks with their and get a detailed comparison report. SEMRUSH has got almost everything that everyone want.