The Daily Vanguard

Are You Ready to Get a Motorcycle?

If you want to buy a motorcycle in 2019, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding one. Motorcycle sales have been actually seen a rapid decline. For one thing, millennials aren’t as into riding motorcycles as older generations. That said, the motorcycle still has a definite appeal to those who like the feeling of the wind in their hair out on the open road.

If you’re going to spend a few thousand dollars on a quality bike, you need to know exactly what you’re buying. Here are three things you need to figure out before you head to your local shop and sign up for a monthly motorcycle payment.

Are you OK with the injury risk?

Getting into a car and driving to work comes with its own set of risks, but the risks are definitely more pronounced if you’re on a motorcycle versus riding in a car. If a motorcycle crashes, it’s there is nothing between you and elements like concrete and trees. That risk discrepancy is most sobering when you look at the number of miles both cars and motorcycles travel, then compare the death rate. In 2016, that death rate was almost 28 times higher for people on motorcycles.

That doesn’t mean the risk can’t be worth it, but you’re still way better off going in with your eyes wide open. It’s even better if you also wear a helmet and other protective gear. Talk to your friends and loved ones about the risks of getting out there as well. For instance, if you and your spouse have young children, it makes sense to look into life insurance.

You should not just assume that you’ll ride defensively and everything will be fine. You can’t control what other people are going to do when they’re on the road. If you get hurt, you may have a lot of medical bills to pay. Paying those medical bills may even require you to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer, especially if you were injured at the fault of another party. You shouldn’t necessarily start looking up accident lawyers now, but you have to know it’s always a possibility.

How much money can you spend? 

A monthly motorcycle payment is one thing, but it’s not the only factor you’ll need to consider when budgeting for a motorcycle. You’re going to need motorcycle insurance, and that will cost $100 to $500 per year at minimum. Remember, that price range only applies if you’ve got a good driving record and are OK with purchasing bare bones coverage.

You’ll also be paying for maintenance and upkeep. An older motorcycle will typically cost you more in repair costs, while a newer bike will cost you more up-front. Don’t think you’ll only have to buy a helmet once, either. If you ever get into an accident, you’re going to need to replace it.

How long do you want to ride? 

Most people decide they want to be motorcyclists for life. In other words, they want to ride even when their hair is gray and they’re eligible for senior citizen discounts at the movies. But other people ride for a few years and decide they’ve had their fill of motorcycle life.

There’s no right or wrong answer here. For some people, a wreck followed by a trip to urgent care in Wall, NJ is enough motivation to hang up their riding gloves for good. Other people will get hurt and immediately start counting down the days until they can get back on their motorcycle for a new adventure.

What if a family member asks you to stop riding? You don’t have to agree, but it’s worth hearing them out. If nothing else, it lets them know that you don’t take the decision to ride a motorcycle lightly.

The appeal of a motorcycle is strong for many reasons. Between the speed, the thrill, and the freedom, it’s no surprise why so many people want to invest in a motorcycle. But before shelling out thousands of dollars on a new ride, consider the answer to these questions. Not only will they help you determine if riding is for you, but they’ll also help you figure out what kind of bike you should invest in.