The Daily Vanguard

7+ Professional Career Tips For Fresh Grads

Now you are through with undergraduate life. It is time to set your priorities right. Everyone expects that from you, once you graduate. You probably had your goal that you expected to achieve once you graduate or you are on your way there.

Life after campus may not be a bed of roses as many of you had hoped for. It may go both ways and trust me; your journey will be different from the next person’s. As you try to find your place in the “outside world,” the following tips will help you chart a course for your career.

You had to go through a sample of  waiver letter,  maybe in the hopes of writing a detailed TOEFL waiver request letter,  but now you need a cover letter for your job applications. The tips outlined do not assure your success, but they will set you on the right path.

1. Your degree may not mean much

Before joining an institution of higher learning, you had to choose from a variety of options what you would like to study. Perhaps you researched on the high-paying careers or were influenced by the hype about a particular course. When you graduate, you may not even get a job that relates to what you studied.

It is possible to fall in a field that is entirely different from what you pursued on campus.

2. Find yourself

Many are those graduating, yet few seem to be landing jobs. Once you graduate, you need to find what you are good at and follow it. There are many job seekers that you will be competing against, discovering and pursuing your passions and strengths will help you to stand out of the masses.

3. Equip yourself with relevant skills

You should always try to learn a new skill every moment that you get. It may not be a complicated skill. Try learning how to operate Microsoft office, learn bookkeeping skills. If you want to follow a particular career path, then teach yourself the relevant skills that apply in that area. If you’re a tech-savvy individual, you can find a tech job in San Francisco, Seattle, and LA where companies look for aspirants with excellent technical skills and a good team player.

4. Foster connections

The people that you interact with may help you land your dream job. Build relationships that will help you stand out from the pool of job seekers. Be nice to new people, engage with them and make an impression. They could be possible references to use in your job application.

5. Set Goals

Many graduates don’t know how or where to start, once they graduate. Make plans on the career goals that you would like to achieve, break them down into achievable goals and set deadlines.

It may not go according to your plans, but you will have a map to guide you as you journey on with life and career progression.

6. Get experience

You don’t have to start with a high-paying position. Don’t be afraid to work your way up the career ladder. Become an intern and learn how to work as part of a team. Experience makes your resume more impressive to recruiters.

Experience is the foundation of achieving your career goals.

7. Improve your communication skills

Communication is critical to the success of a business, especially white collar jobs. Work on how you articulate your responses, both orally and written. Read journals and documentation to improve your grammar. Watch videos in the language if you have to.


While being able to graduate is a call for celebration, the hard task lays in charting a career path for yourself. It may not be easy, but it is possible to get to where you purpose to be, just as you were successful in your waiver letter.