The Daily Vanguard

7 Great Tips for Making Your Small Bathroom Feel Larger

Does your bathroom feel like a postage stamp? Do your feel cramped when trying to get ready in the mornings? You’re in luck. While you may not be able to knock down some walls to increase the square footage, you can make cosmetic changes that will make your small bathroom feel larger.

Remove the Shower Door

The first thing you want to do to open up your bathroom is to remove the shower door. This simple step can make your bathroom appear much larger. Do be aware that you may need to do a bit of repairs to the tub where the door was attached and you’ll need to hang a curtain rod with a liner.

Place a Mirror Across From the Window

If there’s a window in your bathroom, place a mirror on the opposite wall. This will make the bathroom appear brighter and more open. It’s such a simple trick, but can do wonders in even the smallest bathrooms.

Clear Unneeded Supplies and Accessories

Cleaning supplies can always be kept in another area of the house, such as the laundry room. By keeping the supplies in a caddy, you can easily transport them back and forth and clear a lot of space in your bathroom. The same can be said for dirty clothes hampers, extra toilet paper, and other items that you don’t need right away.

Find a Place for Everything

Another easy tip is to make sure you have a place for everything. For example, use a small plastic sliding draw to store your makeup in and place your toothpaste and toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet. By having a place for everything, you make it much easier to avoid clutter.

Avoid Clutter

Clutter can make any room seem too small. Once you have a place for everything it can be much easier to put things away when you’re done in the bathroom. If you don’t have a place for that item, there’s a good chance it doesn’t belong in the bathroom.

Repaint the Room

Painting is one of the easiest things you can do to make your bathroom appear larger. That doesn’t mean you need to paint the bathroom white. There are a number of airy shades that will give you a larger appearance in your bathroom. If you’re unsure of which color to choose, visit a painting store and ask an expert. One tip you must remember though is to paint your ceiling a different color from the walls. Otherwise the room will feel like a small box.

Opt for a Pedestal Sink

Last, but not least, ditch the vanity and install a pedestal sink. This will greatly open up the floor area in the bathroom and instantly make the room appear larger. You will lose storage space, but there’s a good chance that the items in the vanity are cleaning supplies and can be housed elsewhere.

A small bathroom can feel larger by making a few simple changes. Best of all, none of these changes are expensive and they can all be done by a do-it-yourselfer.

About the Author: Samuel Sawyer and his wife just remodeled their small master bathroom. They made a lot of these changes and also added a bidet toilet seat from www.