The Daily Vanguard

5 Tips For A Polish That Takes (really) Good!

When applying the varnish, usually it is peeling in 2 times 3 movements. So how do you extend the life of the polish on her nails? Expert Essie manicure Pro (our favorite brand of nail polish) reveals his tips and tricks for a polish that really fits! Its summer and for many, the beach soon. So to stay perfect through and through, spokesman and expert nail brand Essie Pro gives us her tips for a nail polish that takes. But who really wants. Application Tips and Tricks unsuspected, those are the five commandments that it will respect the letter to extend the life of its varnish.

Step 1 / Clean Hands Get

“We think thoroughly wash their hands just before the nail polish and the nail surface is cleaned with cotton and a little alcohol to allow the base to adhere well to the nail without residue fat could have been deposited after applying the hand cream for example. “

Step 2 / From the Bottom you will Apply

“It is important not to overlook the implementation of the base that will allow a more consistent application of paints; pigments protect the nail polish (yellowing), but also improve its performance over time.”

Step 3 / A Method of Careful Application you Carry Out

“We cannot say it enough: Apply thin layers VERY, I emphasize “very” because it is the key to a manicure successful. Do not take fright if the first layer of color is irregular it is quite normal, it will dry quickly serve as a primer and perfect results with the application of the 2nd. Why do not hesitate to dilute its varnish with special drops (like Fluid E Essie pro for example) to the varnish retains its original texture, even half bottle. More importantly, it avoids the use of solvent in the bottle, it alters its composition! It is also essential to “border” each layer of varnish on the outside of the nail. Border is applied across the base of the nail 3 by horizontal movement, and a fourth vertical along the free edge of the nail. This will create a “small” on thickness and protect the nail polish shock. “

Step 4 / Patience you Show

“Council might seem unnecessary, but which seems to me ESSENTIAL: Respect the drying time between coats, even for the base! We check that the previous coat is dry before applying another, otherwise you may wait forever for our varnish is finally dry and risk have it snags. “

Step 5 / In the Top Coat you Invest

“Today, there are top-coat” between manicures “that apply varnish on her every 2 days in a thin layer. The objective of a top coat between manicures? Revive the color, brightness and improve handling. Moreover, texture is much thinner than a top coat for example a drying accelerator, the drying time will be faster! ” For more details please visit Nail Salon in Midtown East Manhattan and Nail salon in Downtown Manhattan .