The Daily Vanguard

5 Easy Ways To Maintain Your Pacific Coast RV Toilet & Septic System

There is more to RV maintenance than just keeping the engine running good, checking batteries, generators and checking tires. Yes, while all of that is important, there are other parts of RV that need to be maintained as well. An RV is a home away from home. And no one wants to worry about having guests over when they have a smelly bathroom. Just like owning a house, there is maintenance that should be performed on your RV to keep it in tip-top shape, ready and inviting for you, as well as any guest that may show up. The following five tips can help you keep your Pacific Coast RV’s septic system in pristine condition.

1. Maintain the Toilet Seal

You may not think that your RV toilet seat is just for sitting on and using the facilities. Rather, it actually has some innate, relative value with the maintenance of your RV overall. While driving down bumpy roads or even sharp turns, the toilet seat acts like a seal that is designed to keep the water inside the toilet.

However, this seal, over time, can become hard and dry out. When this happens, a leak can occur and water has the potential to spill out or leak. Also this can allow any odor to escape from the black tank and into your living space. A way to resolve this issue and to maintain the integrity of your toilet seat is to simply apply plumber’s grease to the seal, advises Camping World. Make sure that you also have your septic system routinely inspected to avoid any nasty, smelly leaks when enjoying a cross country journey.

2. Clear Your Holding Tank Sensor

A holding tank sensor that is functioning properly allows you to maintain the bathroom. A common problem that is seen is that the sensor can sometimes emit a false reading. The way to determine if your sensor is working properly is to empty out the tank to check.

If the sensor still reads full and clearly it’s not, then some maintenance should be done to clean off the sensor. This will allow you to better judge and gauge how much is really in your holding tank.

One suggested way is to dump a half of a bag of ice down the RV toilet. By doing this, the ice will move around and shake loose anything that may be lodged inside of the tank. After the ice has melted, the sensors should be clear of any remaining residue. If this does not resolve the issue, then make sure you have a professional inspect your septic system.

3. Use Tank Treatment

Treating and using deodorizers is an absolute must when it comes to maintaining an RV toilet. The treatments that are used are designed to break down waste and dissolve toilet paper. When RV toilets are treated, they allow for a cleaner situation when pumping out the tanks. Treatments and deodorizing products are available in liquid forms for easy usage. Be diligent about keeping your septic system clean to preserve its longevity.

4. Keep It Clean

When the toilet just doesn’t have the water pressure to clean the bowl, there is a way to clean it out without having to get dirty while doing it. Most of the newer RVs around come with a sprayer that is attached to your toilet that can be used to get rid of any remaining residue after use. If you have an older model that doesn’t have this feature, a suggestion is to keep a cup nearby that can be used to poor in water or cleaning agents while you flush.

5. Use The Proper Toilet Paper

What goes in must come out, and the toilet paper that is being flushed will eventually have to be emptied out from the tank. This is why it is important to use the proper toilet paper to keep your septic system working properly and in good shape. When the improper toilet paper is used, it could lead to disaster. For example, it could clog your whole septic system, or it could stick to your holding tank sensor, both of which could result frustrating, costly repairs.