The Daily Vanguard

4 Sure-Fire Ways To Attract Traffic To Your Site

When it comes to launching a website, the number one challenge Internet business-owners face is a lack of traffic. Without traffic, there are no sales, no growth, and no customer loyalty.

With hundreds of thousands competing websites, driving traffic to your site is no easy feat. By following these five tips, you can easily start attracting traffic, which will in turn start generating sales and loyal customers:

1. Website Design

One of the most important parts of optimizing your site for visitors is the user-friendly design of the site. Because you only have a few seconds to grab your visitor’s attention, you want a site that not only looks sleek and professional, but also manages to capture your business’s heart and service on the home page.

While you can build your own website, going with a website design company can truly elevate your site. Because your business is predominantly done online, and working with a website designer will primarily be done via email and online conference calls, look DirectTV Internet in order to offer yourself high speed Internet for an inexpensive price.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Once you have built your website, the first step is to submit your URL address to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!. Once they have accepted your website, it should pop up in each search engine. However, search engines do rank sites based on popularity, health (if the site is legitimate), and SEO, otherwise known as search engine optimization.

SEO is a tricky tool to understand. But, in the simplest of terms, SEO is for the purpose of affecting the visibility of your site in organic search results by using keyword phrases or backlinks in your website’s content. If you can nail this down on your site, you will see successful growth with your site.

3. Free Content

One of the most undervalued strategies is offering free content—either free content to win, or free content to other sites. Start submitting quality content to well known websites, making sure to include a bio tag that includes a link back to your website. Not only are you networking with fellow businessmen, you are creating alliances for future collaborations. As an added plus, the link in your author’s bio will drive organic traffic to your site.

Likewise, offering a contest of some sort on your site can increase site traffic. Consumers love free stuff, especially if all they have to do to enter into the drawing is to sign up for email updates or follow your company on social media websites.

4. Marketing

Do not underestimate the power of marketing. Taking the time to market your site via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.) and through advertising on other websites can yield huge growth results. Many people ignore marketing, for it can seem like too much work for such little results. However, the more effort you put into marketing, the more growth you will begin to see over time.

These tips have proven time and again to drive visitor traffic to websites, resulting in loyal customers and popularity.